Cultural Resources - Publications
Publication Details
The 1989 Exxon Valdez Cultural Resource Program 1990 Mobley, C.M., Haggarty, J.C., Utermohle, C.J., Eldridge, M., Reanier, R.E., Crowell, A., Ream, B.A., Yesner, D.R., Erlandson, J.M., and P. Buck Exxon Shipping Company and Exxon Company, USA, Anchorage, Alaska. 1990.
The 1990 Exxon Cultural Resource Program: Site Protection and Maritime Cultural Ecology in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska. Click here for Appendices. 1991 Haggarty, J.C., Wooley, C.B., Erlandson, J.M., and A. Crowell Exxon Shipping Company and Exxon Company, USA, Anchorage, Alaska. 1991.
Alutiiq Culture Before and After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill 1995 Wooley, C.B. American Indian Culture and Research Journal 19:4 (1995), p.125 - 153
Archaeological Site Protection: An Integral Component of the Exxon Valdez Shoreline Cleanup 1995 Wooley, C. B. and J.C. Haggarty Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Fate and Effects in Alaskan Waters: Standard Technical Publication 1219, American Society for Testing & Materials, Philadephia, 1995.
Cultural Resource Bibliography - Prince William Sound Region N/A Chumis Cultural Resource Services N/A
Effect of Crude Oil Contamination on Some Archaeological Sites in the Gulf of Alaska, 1991 Investigations 1992 Reger, D.R., McMahan, J.D., and C.E. Holmes Office of History and Archaeology Report Number 30; Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation; Alaska Department of Natural Resources.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Project Final Report 1997 Yarborough, Linda Restoration Project 95007B: U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service.
Final Report of the Exxon Cultural Resource Program 1992 Haggarty, J.C. and C.B. Wooley N/A
The Industrial History of Prince William Sound, Alaska and Its Relationship to Oil Spill Studies 2003 Page, David S. Bowdoin College presentation.
Mapping Cultural Resouce Sites for the Prince William Sound Graphical Resource Database 1997 Wooley, C.B., O'Brien, D.K., and S.O. Hillman Proceedings of the 20th AMOP Technical Seminar, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 11 - 13 June 1997, 309
The Myth of the "Pristine Environment": Past Human Impacts in Prince William Sound and the Northern Gulf of Alaska 2002 Wooley, C.B. Spill Science & Technology Bulletin, Vol. 7, Nos 1-2, pp 89 - 104, 2002.
Point Thomson Project Area - Environmental Bulletin on Cultural Resource Management 2010 Point Thomson Project N/A
Selendang Ayu response: Cultural Resource Surveys and Site Protection 2005 Wooley, C.B., Williams, C., Yarborough, M., Rogers, J., and R. Betts Presentation
Site Protection and Oil Spill Treatment at SEL-188; an Archaeological Site in Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska 1991 Betts, R.C., Wooley, C.B., Mobley, C.M., Haggarty, J.C., and Aron Crowell Exxon Shipping Company and Exxon Company, USA, Anchorage, Alaska. 1991.
Addressing the Uncertainty and Requirements for Oil Spill Response Consultations 2014 Benggio, B., Scholz, D., Anderson, D., Dillon, J., Masson, G., Nelson, L., Odess, D., Petras, E. IOSC 2014